Inspiring Ideas for Plant Based Eating

Latest Past Events

Introduction to Breath Awareness Live via Zoom July 25th 3 pm PST

Virtual through Zoom

Come join me live via Zoom from your comfortable space for an introductory breath awareness session. You must be in good health to do this. Pre-existing conditions that make this not a good idea: uncontrolled high blood pressure, epilepsy, pregnancy (currently) and heart issues. Overall, though, this practice is very safe to do. Don't let this scare you.  

Whole Grains Sampling FB Live with Friends: Fran Costigan Ellen Kanner

Facebook Live Online

Join us live at 1 pm PDT/4 pm EST on Facebook. This is FREE and online. Here is the Eventbrite sign up: Here is the FB Live link Ellen Kanner of Soulful Vegan and Fran Costigan, Queen of Vegan Desserts will be chatting about our favorite whole grains. Come learn about whole grains with us. Tune in Monday, March 29th, 2021 at 1 pm