There are two ways to live life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein
I picked and ate a ripe blackberry this morning. It was, and is, a miracle.
Autumn is upon us. I can tell by the change of weather, the air, and the light. Fall is fire season where I live. And sadly, fire season started early – in August. Luckily, I was safe but many others were not.
Whoever thinks that climate change isn’t real might need to seriously rethink.
Instead of that, I will focus on miracles as I somehow keep coming back to them because I believe that they exist. Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” So…let me stick with my blackberry miracle and reflect on how Mother Nature is just amazing.
I wrote the following about my body:
I need a miracle every day
Luckily my body is a miracle
So I remember to treat it that way
For those who don’t believe in miracles perhaps they need to take a closer look at their bodies and how they function with mostly miraculous precision, intelligence and integration.
When you go beyond the basic such as breathing which your body will generally do on its own, and train it to breathe more and more deeply the effects are remarkable.
Training and practice are the key; nurturance matters.
Positive self-talk are not “throw away words”. Be kind, compassionate and generous with yourself. Your body will love you more for that. Perhaps you will come around to realizing that your body is a miracle. I do hope that is the case. If that doesn’t work for you, focus on a ripe blackberry, blueberry, or a locally grown apple with its amazing flavor. It will be easy to taste that miracle I hope that are you able to do this.
Tell me what miracle happened for, or to, you recently.
Ellen Kanner says
How lovely, Jill.
Hajji Bektash Veli, my favorite thirteenth century Iranian mystic believed that divine spirit, universal life forc exists in all things natural, be it body or blackberry — just not in plain sight. “For one who has perception/A mere sign is enough./For one who does not heed,/A thousand explanations/Are not enough.” How lucky for all your fans, Jill, that you recognize the signs. Wishing you good health, many miracles and abundant, sweet blackberries.
Jill Nussinow says
Thank you for your comment Ellen. My heart is singing.
I love that you know of so many different mystics. Hugs to you.
Inma Pertusa says
I wanted to share my “miracle” from this summer, when things around were not going too well because of Covid trying to take over our lives. I usually spend the whole summer in Spain, where I am from, but I couldn’t travel this year, so to keep my sanity I decided to plant tomatoes and okra in my back yard, just a couple of plants. In late July one day I went to water the okra and …there was a beautiful flower in the okra plant! How silly of me not knowing that okra pods grow from flowers, like tomatoes! Well, it was my miracle moment because that first one-day flower gave me some hope on our future. For me was a sign to keep all my positive energy focus on better days to come.
PS: I love your book Vegan Under Pressure. In Spain we use the pressure cooker AL LOT and you have great tips and recipes there. Thank you!
Jill Nussinow says
Thank you Inma for this. I am sorry that you weren’t able to go to Spain, and feel that pain myself, but I love your okra miracle. I happen to love both okra and tomatoes. I might love okra more because I am rarely able to purchase it.
I hope that more miracles come your way and that you are able to travel again soon.