To Steam or Not to Steam in the Pressure Cooker: What’s all the fuss about steaming?
Call me crazy, if you like, it’s been done before but I cannot understand why people are so gaga over steaming vegetables in the pressure cooker. Will someone please explain it to me?
The whole device is basically a giant steamer anyway. So why put your vegetables, or most anything else, that you are steaming over water when you can cook directly in the pot and get so much flavor? I understand steaming whole squash, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tamales and bean sausages but what is the benefit of steaming vegetables?
I hope that someone will help me understand this. I just filmed electric pressure cooker videos and made two different steamed vegetable dishes. One I seasoned with a Tuscan spice and the other I seasoned with curry, both after they were steamed. I am quite positive that had I cooked the vegetables directly in the pot with the seasonings and a bit of broth that they would be more flavorful and turn out just as well.
THEY SAY EAT ME.” ~ The Veggie Queen
So, please tell me how I can help break you of your steaming habit? Perhaps I am standing (almost) alone in not having a love for steamed vegetables. Plain steamed veggies are (in my mind) boring. Pressure cooked vegetables sing, loud and clear. They say eat me.
You see, the liquid in the pressure cooker actually penetrates the cell wall of the vegetable and softens it, making it more nutritious and more digestible. Isn’t that wonderful?
So, the “crazy” lady here needs some assistance. I hope that you will leave a comment to help me wrap my head around why I would want to pressure steam vegetables instead of just cooking them to flavorful perfection?
Here is a photo of my “perfectly” cooked 1 minute broccoli.
So if I cook my broccoli and sweet potato at the same time I cook the chicken the veggies won’t be mushy?
Can you cook frozen chicken breast with carrots and broccoli at the same time? If so can i get a recipe? If not how can i get a meal without spending a lot of time? Plus some recipes on each? I have never used a pressure cooker before. Thanks
I am sure that you can cook chicken but I cannot comment on chicken since I don’t know how as this is a vegan blog. I suggest that you look at Pressure Cooking Today or Hip Pressure Cooking for your answer Wendy.